1-LEICA BLK 360: The smallest and the lightest imaging laser scanner that connects with your Ipad and captures high resolution, 3D panoramic images. The scanner weighs in at one kilo and completes 360,000 laser scan points per second, allowing for a standard resolution and full-dome scan in less than three minutes.
2-Drone Dispatch: Avail nationwide drone services for hire and contractors with a one-stop shop for drone photography, video, surveying and mapping the demographics of your construction site. The service also uses DJI Mavic and DJI phantom series drone to conduct residential roof assessment with backend 3D modeling and roof assessment reports.
3-SmartCap Technologies: This bluetooth enabled technology will provide a tracking data of worker’s wellness initiatives. This is a life band that fits discreetly into a hardhat or ball cap to measure worker’s EEG levels and provides fatigue vibration alerts for eliminating microsleeps and dozing off during the operation equipment and machinery.
4-Redpoint Positioning: This tool is the pioneer in technology solutions for real-time locations services and navigation solutions. The Indoor GPS solution is accurate to 8 inches and combines wearable technology, mobile, wireless, and active RFID to track people, tools, and assets in real time, providing a live augmented reality view of operational activities.