The field of building construction over the past 2 decades has seen a new dawn of technological innovations and newer methodologies around the globe. Whether you are a building owner, a contractor or an architect, the MEP design consultant in California and other parts of the United States will make sure that your new construction or projects meet all the requirements of a new-age design and technology.
MEP (Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing) is the most talked-about term in the building construction space these days. Be it a residential, commercial, or any other establishment, the role of an MEP Engineer in California can never be underestimated. The concept of MEP not only increases and optimizes the overall efficiency of the buildings but also minimizes their operation costs.
MEP consultant in San Francisco works very closely with architects and building owners right from the very beginning to the final delivery of the project. They are involved in the following aspects throughout the lifecycle of a construction project:
- Designing
- Development
- Operations phases
- Assessment making, and
- Reviews of the system options.
This unique building construction approach capacitates the MEP consultant in San Francisco to incorporate the processes and systems for carrying out each aspect as per the well-planned building architecture. Since a large number of systems, tools, and technologies are effectively working in contemporary building projects, an MEP Engineer makes all-out efforts to provide the owners with a well-planned and farsighted integration of different systems, processes, and operations while aiming at minimizing the investment and increasing the sustainability of the project or building.
This blog further discusses some of the major areas of building construction wherein the role of MEP consultants or engineers can make a significant impact:
- Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC)
Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are a part and parcel these days of almost every building, be it commercial, residential, or even industrial. Deciding on which system will cool or heat your spaces better is the job of an MEP engineer. Apart from it, the engineer will also decide which automation technologies will better serve your purpose while conserving energy. The concerned MEP professional will also make sure that you get the most from your HVAC system in the form of maximum occupation satisfaction, better operational efficiency, and adherence to the environmental norms as mandated by the law of the land.
- Electricity and lighting framework
In a country like the United States, indoor lighting is considered to be accounting for more than 11% of the total energy consumption. This fact reveals the gravity of indoor lighting across segments. It would not be an over-exaggeration to state that MEP engineers can bring down indoor lighting consumption somewhere between 20-60 percent. They do it all by designing and proposing a certain set of tools, equipment, fitments, fixtures, and automation technologies as per the nature and the exacting requirements of the building under construction.
MEP consultants or engineers while working on your project incorporate maximum daylight across spaces in your structure, and install highly energy-efficient lighting complemented by the extra-sensitive topnotch sensors. They not only bring down the usage and cost of the electricity coming from the national grid but also manage to provide more comfort and ease of living to the occupants.
- Plumbing
When it comes to understanding the term plumbing concerning modern building construction, we need to widen our thinking and approach. Plumbing in today’s building construction context includes the following:
- Fire suppression
- Stormwater
- Sewer
- Natural gas
- Potable water
- Irrigation water, and
- Special water and waste systems.
MEP consultants or engineers in the United States make exclusive strategies as per the overall framework of the building to ensure that the entire plumbing systems perform optimally best as per their capacity. Apart from it, these professionals also incorporate new-age water conservation techniques complemented by innovative design and methodologies so that your building or structure not only can be more cost-effective but also more environmentally friendly under all seasons and circumstances.
- Overall building automation
Automation has become the order of the day in almost all walks of life, particularly in contemporary building construction projects right from commercial to residential ones. MEP consultants integrate special hardware and software solutions for the effective and efficient round-the-clock monitoring of the building. The aspects that come into the ambit of monitoring include the following:
- HVAC systems of a building
- Indoor and outdoor lighting
- Protection
- Fire alarms, and
- A large number of other MEP (Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing) functionalities in the building.
Automation techniques and systems installed by the MEP engineers not only help maintain the maximum operational efficiency of the building but also ascertain premium comfort, and the undaunted and unfailing safety of occupants dwelling therein. These professionals also design and develop ultramodern control systems that help the occupants track the efficiency of the building to bring down energy consumption.
- Optimization of operational as well as maintenance practices
MEP consultants have also got to play a crucial role in the optimization and maintenance practices concerning modern building construction. Some of the major roles include:
- Identifying systems and products that call for a lesser amount of water
- Developing a mechanism that needs lesser toxic chemical agents as well as energy to maintain cleanliness, and
- Streamlining processes and procedures that tag the building as a green structure.
Concluding Remarks
TechnoStruct is one of the fastest emerging names in the field of Design & Construction technology space. The company provides localized Engineering and BIM/VDC services to almost all the leading names across the construction spectrum in the United States. TechnoStruct, over the years, has earned a formidable reputation within the industry for delivering better-engineered buildings on time and within budget. The company does it all by employing the following:
- Innovative ways of design optimization
- Design-conflict minimization
- Shrinking the margin for errors and omissions, and
- Producing precise and synchronized engineering documents.
TechnoStruct is and has been associated with some of the most prestigious projects in the Northern California region. More details regarding the company’s services can be obtained from its website.