“Siri, write me an article on construction design software!”
“Calling expert construction designers, Technostruct.” – Siri
Okay, maybe Artificial Intelligence (AI) can’t do everything just yet, but the year is young and there is technological brilliance in the air. No longer lumped into the science fiction category, AI has started prevailing in an increasing number of modern industries, the most familiar of which are the AI systems on our laptops and smartphones!
The construction industry now witnesses to its own set of AI-based practices, which are becoming increasingly commonplace amongst leading firms.
In-Field Assistance
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is based on machine learning, which involves creating a baseline set of data and practices, that the AI system compares against to ‘learn’ and improve its existing knowledge on subject matter.
Paired with a voice to text transcribing tools, AI can be of immense help on the field. Picture a field surveyor who mentions a phrase like ‘non-regulation’ or ‘at risk’, which would then instantly be picked up by the AI software to create a detailed report of the offending element, while simultaneously apprising the foreman and project manager of the same. AI could even help construction designers give real-time inputs to field staff, regarding what information they are looking for.
Scan to BIM
Preliminary phases of Building Information and Modeling (BIM) involve a physical survey of the area, followed by a high definition, laser scanning of rough schematics and the environment around. AI brings automation to these processes, allowing for direct scanning to BIM designs, numbering sheets logically and linking related sheets.
Additionally, Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software can recognize design specs, convert them to standard formats and even build relationships between dependent elements!
Automating Tech
Building design software has already started seeing benefits of automated field surveys in the form of drone mapped cloud point data. Now, in a move inspired by self-driving cars, the construction industry is being introduced to self-driving equipment such as AI based, automated mining tools!
AI Advantages
By introducing AI systems to a set of ‘good’ design and construction practices, they can be taught to address numerous shortcomings to the building process.
- Faster Design
Working in tandem with construction designers, AI software can quickly build 3D schematics on basis of inputs such as the final development goal, material quantities to be used and aesthetic style. - Inspection & Safety Assessment
By comparing against the ‘good’ design database, AI can identify flaws in current design, assess safety risks and even detect possible clashes! - Hazardous Areas
Some areas are simply too dangerous for human interaction. However, these pose no risk to AI infused robots that can venture into conditions that would be fatal to humans.
Dazzled by the amazing applications of AI in construction design software? Read more on Technostruct, at https://www.technostruct.com/