If you are looking to venture into creating your next construction and design project in BIM, here are a few elements that a BIM model contains:
1. Information about the product: Every minute detail about the project and its layers can be viewed on the BIM software.
2. Product properties and performance: For the convenience of the users, BIM allows multiple users to check the properties and performance of the project.
3. Geometrical representation of the product’s physical characteristics: The project properties such as measurements, angle, and more can be accessed easily from anywhere via BIM software.
4. A recognizable appearance using visualization data: BIM enables users to see a clear, high-quality visualization of the project from different angles ground or aerial.
5. Functional data, such as detection zones, that enables the object to be positioned and behave in the same manner as the product itself.
BIM company in California, TechnoStruct, provides efficient processes, improved collaboration, better-informed decisions, and accelerated interpretation of the design and input data using BIM software and technologies. Know more. Get in touch with us.